Viden Advisory

Tax Solutions

Made Simple

Real People, Real Help

Privacy Policy

Viden Advisory Pty Ltd (ABN 84 660 246 533)

We endeavor to protect your personal information at all times.

This Privacy Policy contains information on how Viden Advisory Pty Ltd ABN 84 660 246 533 and its related entities collect, use, disclose, store and deal with your personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles. The Australian Privacy Principles are drawn from Schedule 1 of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, which amends the Privacy Act 1988, and which apply effectively from 12 March 2014.

If you need any further information pertaining to a privacy matter, you should contact us at:

The kinds of personal information that we collect and hold

We may collect personal information including your name, address, date of birth, names of employers, relatives and associates, relevant contact phone numbers and e-mail details. Depending on the services we provide to you we may also collect and hold your tax file number, your Australian Business Number, and bank account details.

How we collect and hold personal information

We collect personal Information from you both in hard copy and electronically. This may be by way of online forms, website or other electronic interfaces, emails or through telephone discussions. Personal Information that we collect from you is generally only stored electronically.

Unsolicited Personal Information

If we receive personal information from you that was not solicited, we will quickly determine whether or not we could have otherwise collected the information under the Australian Privacy Principles had we solicited it.

If we could not have otherwise collected the information, we shall, as soon as practicable but only if it is lawful and reasonable to do so, destroy the information or ensure that the information is rendered anonymous.


You have the option of not identifying yourself, or of using a pseudonym, when dealing with us, however this will probably result in us being unable to assist you in relation to a particular matter.

The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information only for the purposes of providing accounting, financing, tax agent and similar services. This includes but is not limited to the provision of Accounting, Bookkeeping, Record-Keeping, Audit and Business Advisory services, and the completion of Taxation and other Regulatory forms and returns.

How you can access personal information about yourself as an individual that is held by us and if necessary seek the correction of such information

You can access the personal information that we have about you at any time by contacting our office. We will provide any personal information to you that you might request from time to time. You may correct any personal information that we hold about you at any time by contacting our office.

How you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered APP code (if any) that binds us, and how we will deal with such a complaint

You may contact us at any time about any matter that you regard as a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, or a registered APP code. We will deal with your complaint quickly and in a serious manner, and discuss with you possible remedies of any breach. We are also happy to assist the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) with any inquiry that may be made concerning the handling of your personal information.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We will not use or disclose personal information collected by us for any purpose other than:

  • The purposes for which it was provided or secondary related purposes in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure; or
  • Where you have consented to such disclosure; or
  • Where the Australian Privacy Principles authorise use or disclosure where required or authorised under law, in circumstances relating to public health and safety and in connection with certain operations by or on behalf of an enforcement body.

We are obliged to maintain records which include personal information and make those records available for inspection by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Australian Taxation Office and other regulatory bodies under a relevant law. If we provide information for the purposes of law enforcement activities we will make a record of that provision.

Whether we are likely to disclose personal information to an Australian subsidiary

Personal information that we collect from you may be provided to our Australian subsidiary Whitehouse Audit Pty Ltd. Our contract with this subsidiary obliges them to comply with Australian privacy law and this Privacy Policy.

Whether we are likely to disclose personal information to overseas recipients

Personal information that we collect from you may be provided to our overseas subsidiaries, BBW Business Services PVT Ltd. Our contract with this subsidiary obliges them to comply with Australian privacy law and this Privacy Policy. However you acknowledge that, by agreeing to the disclosure of your personal information to these entities outside of Australia, we are not required to take any further steps to ensure that the overseas recipients comply with Australian privacy law in relation to your personal information and we will not be liable to you for any breach of the Australian privacy law by our overseas subsidiary, their employees, agents, successors or assigns. On this basis, you consent to such disclosure.

Identification documentation

Identification documentation is required for collection by law under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006. In some instances, we are required to verify this documentation against other records. For instance, identification for Australian companies, trusts or registered co-operatives may need to be verified by a search of records held by regulatory bodies such as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Australian Taxation Office and other regulatory authorities.

If you choose not to provide your information

The effectiveness of our services is specifically dependent on information you provide and it being relevant, complete, accurate and up to date. Without this, our services may not meet your needs or may cause you to suffer unforeseen financial consequences.

If you elect not to provide us with your personal information as and when requested, we may not be able to provide you with our relevant services and or advice. Similarly, we may not be able to provide credit services or credit assistance if this is relevant to you.

Contact us now to see how we can help you?

Contact us to arrange an initial consultation in which we review existing structures and processes, and provide recommendations to enhance and optimise tax outcomes, asset protection and succession planning.